Tuesday, March 1, 2011

...and I didn't bring a rain jacket

Soooooo, it's raining in Farah. Well, I didn't expect much rain to begin with, but no big deal. Spent most of the day in the office getting lots of good work done and things organized with my team leader. I went at around 4PM to go do PT (that's what these guys call working out, it is short for physical training). So, I had picked up my laundry, which is great! They are super nice and they do your laundry, fold it up, and get it back to you in 24 hours. I had to go back to my living quarters (aka, the tent) and change, get my iPod, etc. Excellent, I thought. Went back to my room, stepped my foot inside- squish!... other foot- SQUISH! Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the place had flooded, what a pickle! So I scrambled around to get as much as I could up off of the floor...anything that was dry enough I put on my bed. Anything wet, well, I dumped that in the room next door, which seemed to have escaped the flooding situation unscathed- of course. Some papers got wet, clothes, bags, batteries...but nothing too valuable, thank goodness. My team leader stays down the "hall" so he helped me come up with a mop. I spent a good while working up a sweat mopping the floor, to little avail. I was attempting to identify the source of the water... there didn't appear to be any leak in the roof of the tent... what was it? Ah-ha! The "floor" is a thin plastic tarp-type material, pretty much just laid on top of a pile of rocks. Well, the rocks had managed to poke some slits into the "floor" and the water was burping up through it! With each step I was actually making it worse, as the water came bubbling up through the small slits. So, to heck with it! I managed to get all of my stuff relatively secured away from the water between 2 rooms. I used one of my own locks to lock the other room, then went to the "Mayor's office" to ask them if I could utilize the other room (I doubt any flights are getting in soon!). Now, this was my next challenge. Surrounding the Mayor's office was a lot of water, with no path. Anyway, they were nice and seemed to have enough of their own problems, so I quietly left and went on my way. Then I ran into someone else and magically acquired a key to a hard room, a story which I will end there. Below are pictures of the flooding.

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